This episode of Bellycast features an interview with Nicette Jukelevics, author of "Understanding the Dangers of Cesarean Birth, Making Informed Choices". Nicette is a childbirth educator certified by the International Childbirth Education Association (ICEA) and co-founder as well as Parent Educator at the Center for Family in Torrance, California. A childbirth educator and researcher for over 25 years, she is also an experienced doula. She served as Chair of the ICEA's Cesarean Options Committee and the Coalition for Improving Maternity Services. Her articles have been featured in publications including Mothering Magazine, Childbirth Instructor Magazine, and the International Journal of Childbirth Education. Her VBAC Fact Sheet was included in the Institute for Healthcare Improvement's Reducing Cesarean Section Rates While Maintaining Maternal and Infant Outcomes, Breakthrough Series Guide. She also edits and publishes www.vbac.com
With U.S. cesarean rates soaring to epidemic proportion, it is hard for an expectant mom to know where to turn for information. In this interview, we discuss evidenced based decisions that you can make that will reduce your own risk of surgical birth, and arm you with facts and resources that can help you to know how to make truly informed decisions regarding your birth.
The Birth Survey (to participate in national statistics about birth practices)
Spinning Babies (to learn techniques to get your baby in an optimal position for birth)
Webster Technique (chiropractic technique which can help in turning a breech presenting baby)
March of Dimes article on the effects of cesareans and late preterm births
Cochrane Review-Pregnancy and Childbirth-database of studies
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