This episode of Bellycast focuses on current research items in the news concerning prenatal alcohol exposure, dioxins in breastmilk, the FDA and bisphenol-A risks, preterm infants and type 2 diabetes risks, new research on near-term birth risks, chorionic villus sampling and vitamin D supplementation. The links below will take you to the original news articles so you may read them in their entirety and do your own research for your family.
Prenatal Alcohol Exposure Damages White Matter
Benefits of Breastfeeding Outweigh Risk of Infant Exposure to Environmental Chemicals
Nearly Three-Quarters of Youths With Diabetes Insufficient in Vit D
More Evidence that Vitamin D Beats the Flu
More Vitamin D Updates from Mercola.com
Prevention Magazine-Vitamin D
Chorionic Villus Sampling May Increase Risk of Hemangiomas
Late Preterm Birth: Beware!
Low-weight Babies May Have Increased Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
FDA to Re-evaluate Risks of BPA
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